cxxomfort  rel.20211024
Simple backports for C++ -
cxxomfort Directory Reference



file  algorithm.hpp
 Implementations and Backports for Standard header algorithm.This header covers backports for the various algorithm utilities in C++. A general listing of the Standard utilities here, with sample implementations, can be found at header/algorithm @ cppreference.
file  array.hpp
 Implementations and Backports for Standard header array.
file  backports.hpp
 Central include for importing cxxomfort's backport features.
file  base.hpp
 Minimal cxxomfort setup.For more complete cxxomfort setup (includes more headers, adds new names and functions), use one of these:
file  bit.hpp
 Implementations and completion of names tied to bit.
file  cerrno.hpp
 Implementations and completion of names tied to cerrno.
file  config.hpp
file  cstddef.hpp
 Implementations and additions tied to Standard header cstddef.
file  cstdint.hpp
 Implementations and additions tied to Standard header <cstdint>.
file  cstring.hpp
 Implementations and additions tied to <cstring>.
file  ctime.hpp
 Backports for features in ctime.
file  cuchar.hpp
file  cxxo-utils.hpp
 Small utilities used by various components of cxxomfort, but low-level and generic enough that they don't get categorized into the backport headers.
file  cxxomfort.hpp
 Backports library for C++.
file  forward_list.hpp
file  functional.hpp
 Implementations and backports tied to functional.
file  iomanip.hpp
 Implementations and additions tied to Standard Header <iomanip>.
file  ios.hpp
 Implementations and additions tied to Standard Header <ios>.
file  iterator.hpp
 Implementations and backports tied to <iterator>.
file  limits.hpp
file  memory.hpp
 Implementations related to Standard header memory.
file  numeric.hpp
 Implementations and backports tied to <numeric>.
file  ostream.hpp
 Implementations, Backports and helpers for Standard header <ostream>.
file  random.hpp
 Implementations and additions tied to Standard header <random>.
file  ratio.hpp
 Implementations, Backports and helpers for Standard header <ratio>.
file  string.hpp
 Implementations and additions tied to <string>.
file  system_error.hpp
file  tuple.hpp
 Implementations and backports related to <tuple>.
file  type_traits.hpp
 Implementation of std::enable_if , std::conditional.
file  typeindex.hpp
 Implementations and backports tied to Standard Header <typeindex>.
file  utility.hpp
 Implementations related to Standard Header utility.
file  various.hpp
 Implements a set of library-specific utilities for cxxomfort, not mapped to C++03 or C++11 facilities.