cxxomfort  rel.20211024
Simple backports for C++ -
impl Directory Reference


file  03-functional_bit.hpp
 Adds the missing and_bit , or_bit , xor_bit in some versions of early C++.
file  07-fn.hpp
 Barebones implementation of ptr_fun, mem_fun, mem_fun_ptr and mem_fnThis is an implementation of the function wrappers in C++07/TR1 not directly used by cxxomfort but made available for TR1 compatibility layers.
file  07-hash.hpp
 Barebones implementation of std::hash.
file  07-lcg.hpp
 Barebones implementation of std::linear_congruential_engine.
file  07-random_renames.hpp
 Provides C++11-compliant renames of some utilities in C++03 TR1's "random" that changed names.
file  07-ranlux.hpp
 Implementation of substract_carry_engine and ranlux.
file  07-type_traits.hpp
file  07-uniform_arithmetic.hpp
 This is an implementation not directly used by cxxomfort but made available for TR1 compatibility layers.
file  11-aligned_storage.hpp
 Implementation of std::aligned_storage for C++03.
file  11-basic_string_charn.hpp
 Implementation of basic_string for char16_t, char32_t in C++03.
file  11-common_type.hpp
file  11-decay.hpp
 Implementation of std::decay.
file  11-is_tn_xble.hpp
 Family of "is_trivially_", "is_nothrow_" traits.
file  11-minmax.hpp
file  11-move_traits.hpp
file  11-permutations.hpp
file  11-to_string.hpp
 Implementation for std::to_string and allies.
file  11-to_string.pre97.hpp
 Implementation for std::to_string and allies.
file  11-type_traits.hpp
 Implements some of the type_traits added in C++11 that are not part of the TR1 specification.
file  11-typeindex.hpp
file  11-underlying_type.hpp
file  14-algorithm-equal.hpp
 Implementation of C++14's overloads for equal(), mismatch() .
file  14-functional-transparent.hpp
 Implementation of C++14's transparent functors.This header is part of cxxomfort and is included automagically when #including <cxxomfort/functional.hpp>. It should not be #included explicitly.
file  14-integer_sequence.hpp
 Backports for C++14's "integer_sequence" facilities.
file  14-iterator_access.hpp
 Implementation of C++14's iterator accesors std::cbegin , std::cend , etc.
file  14-make_unique.hpp
file  14-tuple_get_type.hpp
file  17-as_const.hpp
 Implements std::add_const by David Alan Martin.
file  17-bool_constant.hpp
 Implementation of std::bool_constant.
file  17-clamp.hpp
 Implementation of std::clamp.
file  17-invoke.hpp
 Implementation of std::invoke.
file  17-iterator_access.hpp
 Implementation of std::size , std::data , std::empty.
file  17-make_from_tuple.hpp
 Implementation of std::make_from_tuple.
file  17-memfn_recover.hpp
 Barebones implementation of ptr_fun, mem_fun, mem_fun_ptr and mem_fn.
file  17-string_view.hpp
 Header implementing C++17's basic_string_view .
file  17-tuple_apply.hpp
 Backport implementation of std::apply.
file  17-void_t.hpp
 Implementation of std::make_void , std::void_t.
file  20-bind_front.hpp
file  20-endian.hpp
 Implementation of std::endian.
file  20-iterator_access.hpp
 Implementation of std::size , std::data , std::empty.
file  20-shift.hpp
 Implementation of shift_left, shift_right.
file  20-string_helpers.hpp
 Implementation of string helpers from C++20.
file  23-string_helpers.hpp
 Implementation of contains from C++23.
file  character.hpp
 Meta information for character types.
file  impl/foreach.hpp
file  functional-overload.hpp
 Implementation of the "overload set" idiom.
file  functionmeta.hpp
 Meta information for function types.
file  hash.hpp
 cxxomfort "fix" helper for std::hash.
file  math.hpp
 Math functions particular to cxxomfort.
file  n3334-array_ref.hpp
file  n3668-exchange.hpp
 assign new value and return old
file  n4022-not_fn.hpp
 Backport implementation of not_fn() .
file  p0040-memory_management.hpp
 Implementation of std::destroy_at and allies.
file  p0792-function_ref.hpp
 Implements part of p0792r0, a proposal for a non-owning reference view on functors.
file  p1223r0-find_backward.hpp
 Implements part of p1223, a proposal for an algorithm to find an element backwards.
file  p1227r0-ssize.hpp
 Implements part of p1227r0, a proposal for a general (non-member) unsigned size function.
file  p1402_cstring_view.hpp
 Implementation of cstring_view proposal.
file  p2187-swap_if.hpp
 Implementation of swap_if proposal.
file  regex-esc.hpp
 Escape de secuencias regex.
file  relationals.hpp
 Macros for generating relational operators.
file  seq_.hpp
file  static_math.hpp
 Implements some static (compile-time) math functions for C++.
file  string_helpers.hpp
 Implementation of global string accessors for C++.This header adds global functions to access the functionality of the following std::string and sibling members:
file  to_basic_string_variadic.hpp
 Implements the variadic "to_basic_string" proposal in .
file  typesafe_enum-core.hpp
file  unique_ptr.hpp
 Implements unique_ptr as a comfort utility for C++03.
file  valcomp.hpp
 Implements a generic strcmp-like (three-way) comparator.