fixed_vector / fixed-size sequence container

This library adds as part of its IndependentFeatures a complement to std::vector in the form of cxxomfort::fixed_vector, a vector-like container whose size is specified at construction and remains invariant through the lifetime of the object - the oft sought holy grail of a "vector without resize".

  • Header: cxxomfort/library.hpp.
  • Transparent (C++-style) header: to be implemented
  • Namespace: cxxomfort::

A fixed_vector<T> behaves much like a std::vector<T>, and shares much of the interface, except the size of the container is set-up as a constant at the time of construction, and as such the resize, insert, erase, capacity or reserve members are not available.

Here follows a brief of the interface:

template <typename T> class fixed_vector {
    typedef T           value_type;
    typedef T const*    const_pointer;
    typedef _implementation_defined difference_type;
    typedef _implementation_defined const_iterator;

    fixed_vector () = deleted;
    fixed_vector (fixed_vector const&);
    fixed_vector (size_t count, T const& value); // [ value, value, value, ...] count times
    fixed_vector (std::initializer_list<T> const&); // C++11 onward
    template <typename Iterator>
      fixed_vector (Iterator begin, Iterator end);
    fixed_vector (fixed_vector&&);

    // operator= as in std::vector

    // begin and end accesors as in std::vector, based off the following:
    const_iterator    begin() const noexcept;
    iterator             begin() noexcept;
    _implementation_defined   front () const;
    _implementation_defined   back () const;

    const_pointer     data () const noexcept;
    difference_type   size () const noexcept;
    size_type             max_size () const noexcept; // returns size() 
    bool              empty () const noexcept; // only false for zero-element fixed_vector

    _implementation_defined  at (size_t) const;
    _implementation_defined  at (size_t);
    T const&  operator[] (size_t) const noexcept;
    T& operator[] (size_t) noexcept;

    void fill (T const&);


  • Storage for fixed_vector is guaranteed to be contiguous.
  • fixed_vector does not support allocators at the time of this writing (Apr 2017).
  • fixed_vector is copyable and movable, even in C++03 mode.
  • operator= can change the size because it is assigning a copy of a completely different object.