cxxomfort  rel.20211024
Simple backports for C++ -

Backports and interfaces related to Standard header <system_error>

(or automatically by including <cxxomfort/backports.hpp> / <cxxomfort/cxxomfort.hpp>)

In new C++, <system_error> provides general facilities for dealing with error codes and categorization of error types and error returns (eg.: errno ) using a schema alternative and complimentary to eg.: exceptions.


Interfaces defined in this file:

Non-backport interfaces (cxxomfort::fix):

errc codes

The listing of error codes that cxxomfort supports is compiler-specific and mostly depends on the operating system and C++ Standard conformance level. In general, when in >=C++11 mode the listing present at is supporte.

In pre-C++11 mode (or in eg.: MSVC on Windows), a subset of those names are detected automatically and the extension cxxomfort::fix::errc provides access to some other names not normally provided by the compiler.

Client Code

For sections of cxxomfort making use of these facilities (even in C++03 mode), see: cxxo-sup-iterator , at_or, fixed_vector , cxxo_array_ref .


File system_error.hpp