cxxomfort  rel.20211024
Simple backports for C++ -

Backports related to Standard Header <random>

// or as part of:

Including the header brings up <random>'s features, accounting for eg.: location being std::tr1::random... where set up in C++03, as well as changes to their names in certain compiler versions before C++11 was finalized.


Interfaces defined in this section:

If CXXOFLAG_USE_INTERNAL_TR1 is enabled for pre-C++03 compilers, the following features are also enabled:

Interfaces repointed here for GCC and Clang:

Fixes to implementation issues, in cxxomfort::fix::.


Unbiased rand() ( randmo )

The cxxomfort library adds a simple wrapper randmo() around the std::rand() function.

See Also

See also
header/random @ cppreference (cppreference)
cxxo-sup-random (supplemental)
Member cxxomfort::cxxostd::default_random_engine
Provides ranlux24_base as the default PRNG in cxxomfort.
Class linear_congruential_engine<... >
<random> backports.
Class shuffle_order_engine< Engine, K >
Class shuffle_order_engine< Engine, K >
Class subtract_with_carry_engine<... >
<random> backports.