Ticket Hash: 5ba7743db661b0daf1cf40d700f4413250e9ea5b
Title: Progress Tracking for Clang (4.x, 5.x)
Status: open Type: Build_Problem
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2020-12-15 04:32:46
Version Found In: all
Enhanced in [fd7c154fb056ccdf]
User Comments:
luismachuca added on 2019-02-03 20:11:46: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
Ticket to track progress of implementation to get cxxomfort to work on the Clang compiler versions 4.x and 5.x (platforms untested as of latest 2018).

Setup for Clang requires paying attention to what Standard Library implementation is being used; as of 2019 the two key ones are <tt>libstdc++</tt> (the same one GCC uses) and <tt>libc++</tt> (for <tt>llvm</tt>). Maybe make the libc++ case into a separate ticket, but in the meantime this particular progress tracker is being marked as *Important*.

For a starting note on getting Cxxomfort to work, libstdc++ case on C++03 uses the same post-inst configuration and TR1 forwarder requirement as GNU GCC does.