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Artifact ID: 8cf01032d0a49ffadc239b134249fd830b5d2b28
Page Name:Installation
Date: 2017-04-23 15:57:41
Original User: luismachuca
Parent: 9eebc9099cde04ac127e5a61ef9cd34d7e1dc312 (diff)
Next e10d85d6e95382320e92fde94025217f2103f580


The Cxxomfort library is distributed as "header-only", meaning it is not necessary to compile object code or link to libraries to use it[#1]. All that is necessary is essentially:

  1. Download package or pull the repo…
  2. Extract / open it somewhere…
  3. Proceed with the Configuration
  4. Use!
  5. Issue a "fossil update" if you want to stay tuned.

For example, you can install the library by uncompressing it into a directory and then just moving the library's cxxomfort directory under /usr/local/include - or creating a symlink to it - and it should work out of the box without the need to add any search path, since /usr/local/include is a "standard search path".

After you are done installing the library, you might want to check how to configure it and how to use it.

Tested Environments

Development is currently held in a Debian Jessie + GCC 4.8/4.9 environment, and testing samples are compiled in a Windows XP + MSVC 2008 Express environment and a Ubuntu Precise + GCC 4.6 environment.

Methods of Installation

Clone the repo!:

Simply create a directory somewhere and run Fossil (external link) on it:

fossil clone cxxomfort.fossil

Then open the cloned repository.

fossil open cxxomfort cxxomfort.fossil

Alternatively, you can browse "Files" in the upper navigation bar to get a tarball of the current contents of the repo.

Staying Updated

In order to stay updated all that is necessary is to clean your local copy's working directory, then issue fossil's own command to update:

fossil clean
fossil update

For users updating from 0.45 or below: You will need to perform a fossil clean -x before updating, and then you'll need to repoint your compiler's search path to the new cxxomfort directory, as of 0.51 onwards the file structure has changed. In case of doubts, you can also fossil close, delete the clone directory and repo and then download from scratch as well.

Downloading the Documentation

To be included: a zip file with the documentation from this site.

1 Which is why it does not include a "Makefile", though adding one will be done eventually.

Proceed with the Configuration