Artifact 4f4973c0f71ba97da8a3fa73be6872e6a2f12ab120b50a523ef3f64ade4b7526:

Wiki page [Cxxomfort] by luismachuca 2019-02-16 01:23:50.
D 2019-02-16T01:23:50.424
L Cxxomfort
P 55a09d023aa38b6ffb86a2aea122d1a742656bbbd3d5ecf2087c258827316edb
U luismachuca
W 4264
<blockquote style="font-size:85%;"><b>Comfort</b>, n. <nowiki>[3]</nowiki>

A consolation; something relieving [|suffering] or [|worry]. 

"We still have the spare tire? That's a <b>comfort</b> at least."


<em>[Cxxomfort]</em> (<small>cxx as in C++, comfort as in comfort</small>) is a small, header-only library that backports various facilities from more recent C++ Standards, providing access to them to previous versions such as C++03 or C++11: <tt>nullptr</tt>, <tt>begin/end</tt>, <tt>type_index</tt>, <tt>byte</tt> or the newer algorithms and functors, as well as many others, are made available.

I wrote it originally to facilitate my working with the evolving C++ standard as I was getting back into the language. It is intended to reduce the amount and stress of code rewrite while at the same time assisting in backwards and forwards portability.

Current version: 20190128 (.88)

<a id="qad"></a>
<h2>Quick & Dirty Install</h2>

On your shell:

fossil clone cxxomfort.fossil
mkdir cxxomfort && cd cxxomfort
fossil open ../cxxomfort.fossil

On your code:

#include <cxxomfort/cxxomfort.hpp>

<h2>Project Documentation</h2>

<table border="1">
<tr><th class="header" style="width:35%; text-align:center; ">Install & Setup</th><th class="header" style="text-align:center;">Autogenerated Documentation</th></tr>
<tr><td style="vertical-align:top; padding-left: 0.2em;">
In the simplest form, installing the library is as simple as cloning the repo and adding the path to the compiler's <tt>#include</tt> search path.

<li><em>[/download|Packaged versions]</em></li>
<li>[Per-Compiler Notes]</li>
<li>[/uv/html/|Autogenerated Documentation][↗]</li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Examples [↗]</a> </li>
<td style="vertical-align:top; padding-right:0.5em;">
Usage is as simple as including a header and start coding:
#include <cxxomfort/backports.hpp> // for the backports
#include <cxxomfort/cxxomfort.hpp> // for the whole package

<li><b>[Features]</b> - backports or emulations from various C++ Standards. </li>
<li><b>[/uv/html/cxxomfort-fix.html|Fixes]</b> - fixes to elements that are broken in <tt>std</tt> in certain compilers. </li>
<li><b>[/uv/html/cxxo-sup.html|Supplements]</b> - features and interfaces specific to cxxomfort, that complement the various C++ headers. </li>
<li>[Extras] that don't take part of the default distribution, such as implementation of simple ranges, etc...</li>
<li>[Transparent Headers]</li>

<tr colspan="2">
<th colspan="2" style="text-align:center;">Other information:<br/>

[/ticket|Issues / Ticketing System]  |  <em>[FAQ]</em>  |   [/doc/trunk/cxxomfort/LICENSE.txt|LICENSE]  


The purpose of this library is to ease writing natural-feeling, forwards-compatible code <i>once</i>. As such, some design decisions are made that might conflict with conflict with certain pedantic "coding styles". For a quick, uncomprehensive check read [Rationale], and also take a look at [] for evolution of the rationale.

The library does not aim to be perfect - that way lies madness, suffering, and suffering leads to anger, and anger leads to overused lines from movies. Instead, it aims to be "good enough" for the backports to be usable as far back as possible Standards-wise - all while remaining relatively simple.

For a list features included in this library and what are the Standard Proposals they come from check [Implementation Status].

Credits to the various solutions in [Credits].

<small>Q&A / reports at <code><nowiki>luis[dot]machuca[at]gmail[dot]com</nowiki></code> or file a request in the [/ticket|ticket system].</small>

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