cxxomfort  rel.20210622
Simple backports for C++ -
Cxxomfort <functional> supplements

Supplements to <functional>.

This component offers a number of alternatives and supplements to features found in <functional> such as function objects to complete various tasks, a function-like reference wrapper, and function objects that complement the plus family.


Given a Standard C++ operator wrapper like std::plus, which wraps operator+(), cxxomfort also provides an analogue plus_it which wraps operator+=(). That is, they operate in the following way:

plus<float> p;
plus_it<float,float> pa; // plus_assign
float r = p(3, M_PI); // same as r = 3 + M_PI;
pa(r, -4.12); // same as r+= -4.12;

The cxxomfort supplemental functor equivalent_to tests for potential "equivalence" between two objects - that is, none is less than the other.


Class is_std_function< T >